WILD STYLE (knife design)
Collaboration with Darrvi Colates and Brax Canon.
To my understanding and research, I’ve learned Graffiti to have a theory around letters being armed foreseen by the equation RAMM:ΣLL:ZΣΣ… .a symbol to destroy another symbol.. .abolishing age-old standards of language and meaning. . not to replace English; but to annihilate it from the inside out. A symbolic warfare arming all the letters of the alphabet, so that they might liberate themselves. A channelled chaos into a spectacular mythology, drawn from philology, astrophysics, and medieval history.
Original Form / Concept
Adobe Illustrator image from various sketches.
3D rendering
3D modeling of form with Blender.
Final Creation
Weaponized design.
AUDIO: RAMMELLZEE Philosophy.. .
VIDEO: Screen recording of Blender 3D modeling.. .